Sign of the Times

 With the digital landscape evolving, people are acing it and rocking it

                                                               Photo by Sam Lion on Pexels

We are alive in a world fraught with wars, climate threats, and the looming fear of slowdown. We must consider this a blessing. And to feel alive and kicking, hits differently. Just look at the sign of the times — the roaring and inviting digital culture. A carnival, a business place, action for news and politics, and the list goes on — all rolled into one.

If we manage to understand the workings of this world and become a part of it( from a business point of view), we can look at life through a rosy prism.

It’s encouraging how people from all walks of life and all age groups are using the digital platform as a soapbox to showcase their passion and talent to reach their audience.

An extremely successful and versatile Indian actress of yesteryear, Zeenat Aman recently relaunched herself on Instagram. And voila! She’s nailing it. She provides tips about leading a happy, content, and sensible life. The younger generations are devouring her content. She also provides a peek-a-boo to some anecdotes of her long film career which we would’ve never known otherwise. What a comeback and a sign of the times!

I just wondered after retirement, how elders feel lonely and resigned and a sense of purpose is lost. Use the internet as a tool to coach(study videos) or give tips about interior design, gardening, mindfulness, or whatever you’re passionate about. Our children, grandchildren, or friends can help us to get started. It’s heartwarming to see how some of us are already at the top of the game. But, others are just dipping their toes in the internet waters.

We’re all unique beings and that’s our strength and signature. We’ve something different and unique to say. This is the golden age of arts, writing, culture, and so many other things. The digital brush is painting just everything new and with another dimension.

Feeling shy or somehow not stoked enough to join the fray will only make our talent and ideas disappear into the ether. What a waste! Let’s give our personality and our voice a home.

                                                                  Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

The internet in so many avatars(YouTube, Podcasts, Social media, and others) — makes it an impossibly difficult option to resist. Become part of this zeitgeist. It’s ringing with opportunities and you are all bubbling with ideas.

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come”- Victor Hugo

I’ve seen some vloggers showing some exotic places without ever showing their faces. Some cooking channels share their delish recipes again without sharing their faces. I’m hooked on them because I like their content. So if you’re a private person, you can still share your content and get views. The audience gets attracted to the quality of the content and not the flummery.

I’ll give you an example to prove this point. Whenever I get stuck in some technical issue regarding my phone or any home appliances, I immediately head to YouTube for an answer and the solution is bang on. Now, these are not some polished executives. They are intelligent and ordinary people who know their jobs well. They address our pain points and get enormous traction.

Business houses are making a beeline for influencers to endorse their products. That shows the power of the digital world.

To succeed we need to understand this medium and its nuances. We need to hone our skills, go deep, and get in the groove. We’ve to consistently show up and our audience will find us.

People are waiting to see and hear your content. So all the introverts, shyness-stricken, and not-so-internet-savvy people, c’mon, you need to shake things up. Give it a shot. You never know who amongst you will be a new star in the digital firmament.


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