An Ode to the Summer gone by

Some summers are magic Photo by Ankur Khandelwal on Unsplash The sun is boiling and the heat unbearable. I’m staring at a longish hot summer ahead. Back in the day, I recall, I welcomed summer. Living in a valley surrounded by the Himalayas, summertime was a hoot. It came after a long, cold, and harsh winter. The blanket of clouds slowly split wide open to give us a clear view of the sparkling blue sky- the weather balmy and the air sweet. Ah! What a feeling! Tired of sitting mostly at home in the winter months, we couldn’t wait to go outdoors to make full use of the change in weather. Carpe diem. Since the summer temperature was mild, there was no need for air conditioners, not even ceiling fans. Just a humble table fan and we were good. We received ice-cold drinkable water spurting from taps. Thanks to the melting snow ...