
Showing posts with the label poem


  Spring is in the air                                                            Photo on Unsplash by Toa Heftiba    Early sprightly spring wants some thrill S napping at heels with winter’s fading chill Nature rollicking between two seasons Time to smile, the Goldilocks weather one of the reasons Branches slowly getting a new life Flowers searching their petals in sun’s light Mild breeze flirting with trees A perfect time to sow some seeds Birds building nests, tuning to new melody Hiding animals emerge, butterflies fluttery Some run to forests to soak in nature’s splendour Where the new beginnings are in full grandeur Flowers and barbecue smells race to fill the air Earth slowly getting dressed up in a multitude of colour Sky bluer and grass greener Take a leaf from nature, inject glow in life, you’re the painter Spring i...

First Snow

 The new snow of the season is always special                                                   Photo by Boris Pavlikovsky on Pexels Pin-drop silence on a wintry night Enough a sign of snowfall in silence By the morning the snowflakes cover the earth The first snow of the season brings joy and mirth Painting the trees and roofs with nature's white brush Everything looks new, lovely, and fresh Shimmering icicles are an added joy For children, they are nature's toy And the sun comes out with a happy face Showering us with warm rays From my window, I see snow and sun in one frame Covering the earth in their drapes Everyone is bundled up and cheerful, the mood is sweet Sipping my steaming coffee, I enjoy the scene To walk on fresh powder, people come out in droves Some are eager to hit and schuss the slopes Shoveling snow is fun and a chore Snowman and snowfall f...

Coming Home

  Photo by Mitbgooo on Pexels In tangled skeins Our lives are frying Wars and people dying Climate change crying Insecurities thriving Birds and animals sighing Politician promises, nobody buying A breather in our lives Is needed for better times Think hard there a solution lies Change the dark skies Come together like a single mind To weave a future where The planet is surviving Inequalities declining All life forms enjoying

Climate change is real. Do you hear?

                                                        Photo by Tobias Rodemacher on Unsplash Climate change is ending us Why can't we see what is so obvious In your home, in your place do something to sort out this mess Don't be selfish, leave some for the generation next Breathe new life into all the things you possess Repair and recycle are the mantras for less A train journey will be better than the airbus Ditch your wheels for the good old bus Travel only if you must Work from home is a huge plus Grow some plants, trees, and shrubs Find amusement at your nearest address Take these little steps and practice minimalism in the true sense Mother Earth will thank you and will surely bless

Rest awhile

                                                               Photo by Gary Barnes on Pexels The river's gushing sound the wildflowers nodding to the breeze a magic place was found Temporarily life had discovered a peaceful ground where nature was absolutely unspoiled the blue sky dressed in many a cloud The rustle of leaves accompanied a far-off bell's gong this music felt like a balm the sun peeped through the trees brightening this fairyland Everything was in harmony and rarefied the smell of the earth was divine some locals busy with their work rhythm song The green grass covered a lot of earth's brown no hurry, time was still and kind soaked in this atmosphere a bird sang aloud