How to put “Simple” into life

                                                       Photo by Duygu Gungor on Unsplash

I know how complicated our lives are. Infusing simplicity may seem a far-fetched thing.

I used to be in a fiendish hurry from the moment I woke up till I flopped into the bed at night. My waking hours were consumed by a circle of tasks, worries, distractions, and exhaustion to say the very least. Not all the tasks I performed every day were of utmost importance. There were things that needed my attention badly but somehow I was “too busy”.

Racing to somehow fill up the pages of my life did not make sense. I wanted to lead a life where I did not get drowned in the noise. Time is precious, we ought to spend it wisely.

Basically, at heart, we’re all simple human beings. We get caught up in a web and we lose control of who we are. I needed to regain this control and switch to my simple self. It’s a work in progress. I can walk you through a few of my picks for a simpler and more fulfilling life.

  1. Health

We are what we eat. We tend to forget this simple thing in the daily rush of life. Don’t just eat and fill your tummy with anything. Buy foods that are healthy. Fill up your fridge with healthy snacks so that whenever you feel hungry or your children feel hungry they eat healthy. Cut out junk food as much as possible.

2. Home

A lot of people today work from home. I hang out mostly in my home. Make it clutter-free by tossing away things that are broken or you never intend to use. The same goes for your closets. Keep what you actually wear. At the end of the day, you’ve to tidy up your space and it takes a lot of time. So just make your place clean and clutter-free.


Prioritize your work assignments according to their urgency. It lifts a load from your mind. Sometimes by avoiding multitasking, you can increase efficiency, and the quality of your work. See what works for you.

4. Meditation, Walks

Carve out some time daily for walks. It clears your mind. Spend time with nature. Talk to your family members. Do these simple activities.

Meditation is not just a buzzword. It helps if you’re stressed or if you’re a seeker. Make it a daily routine. Connect with your inner self. It’ll calm you down, and enrich your life.


Introducing “simple” into your daily activities reduces confusion, and centers us. It brings our focus to the present moment. It’s a luxury in a distracted world.

Photo by Dominik hofbauer on Unsplash


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