Why is Marketing-Automation Important?



 We live in a super digitally charged world, where businesses have to work on so many fronts to stay alive and kicking.


So much to do ………. so little time! Take a breather.


Marketing automation is here! This technology redefines marketing as we know it.


We all know that your marketing strategy holds the key to success.


Using marketing automation increases efficiency, boosts productivity, makes you run a tight ship and most of all helps you sell more.


Automation equals SIMPLIFYING and SCALING.

A few things you need to know:


  • What is marketing automation? 


  • Why marketing automation?


  • Uses of marketing automation


 Let’s dig in right away!


What is Marketing Automation?

It entails using software that automates and manages our marketing processes.


It does so, by automatically sending messages via emails, texts, social posts targeted at customers. It also involves studying customer behaviour, to devise a way to capture leads and close them faster. 


51% businesses use marketing automation

A whopping 51% of companies on an average have adopted marketing automation[1]. And the others are following suit by allocating budgets, to start at the earliest. 


They are not revamping their marketing just for the heck of it!

Marketing automation is one of the fastest-growing segments of the software industry. 


But not all companies and marketers have exactly started using this tool.


Lack of awareness or fearing technology as some dark art can be possible reasons for keeping them away from using these tools.


Whatever the reason, if you’re damn serious about growth, you can’t afford to say no to modernization.


Automating the repetitive tasks of your business by giving a set of instructions is no rocket science.


It’s a skill that your staff needs to be trained for. I’m sure once they get the hang of it, they’ll thank you, for acquiring a new marketing skill.


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Why Marketing Automation?

You go where your customers are. They are spending their max time in the internet space which is evolving at a fast pace.


via gifer


You need to keep up with this pace and get in front of a bigger and a wider audience. 


You need to connect to more and more relevant people to scale. This is where marketing automation comes into play: to make your task easier.  


Let me give you an example. 


Imagine this …….

There’s a fashion designer whose designs are simply WOW! But his/her marketing sucks.


All he/she manages to find the time to do is some odd social media posting coupled with spray and pray emailing. 


The result. Very few orders.


On the other hand, if the designer uses an automation tool to take care of the marketing messages; these would go out consistently, to a targeted audience in an organized fashion.

Data-driven marketing campaigns would increase the designer’s fan-base.

And, constant engagement from the designer’s end could pique the customer’s interest in knowing MORE about the product. It could be posting the latest trends, tips and discounts etc. 


The result: quality traffic and leads resulting in conversions. Likes and shares by your customers would further spread the word.


This can turn them into super-fans and loyal customers!


The outcome?

A business turned around with the use of marketing technology. Like-wise, create your own growth story.


I know you are trying everything possible to push your brand.


Shooting emails, trying to post regularly in social media, arranging campaigns, building a client base and catching up on the latest trends in the digital space.


Oh, boy! You’re very busy and have no time. 


But, at the end of the day, aren’t you getting pulled in a million directions! And, are you satisfied with the results?


Time is limited, tasks plentiful. 


You’ve got to find a way to get out of this rut and FOCUS on other marketing tasks to be able to jump to the upper tiers.

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 Uses of Marketing Automation Tool 

  • Automating Messages 


Identify repetitive tasks. For example: sending emails and alerts on mobile phones as well as scheduling social media posts and so on, can all be part of this.


These can be handled by automation tools once the instructions are given.

  •  Pulling in more in Leads


Lead generation is one of the most sought-after things in marketing automation. 


Tracking website visits, which emails are being opened and studying other such similar behaviour, gives you interesting insights into the customer’s profile.


With this slicing and dicing of data, you can expect better leads to flow in, which convert.


According to sources, an overwhelming majority of companies benefit with an increase in leads through marketing automation. 


  • Better Marketing Campaigns


Marketing campaigns become easier and target-oriented with the data analysis in front of you.


Know the pain points and improve upon them.


  • Meaningful Engagement


We are all animals of the digital world. But we don’t want to be treated like assembly-line robots. We’re humans and want to stay that way. 


As customers, we like to receive emails and other forms of communication personalized. It’s that emotional connect!


With the incredible insights provided by automation tools, you can customize communication according to the needs and interests of your prospects. And thus, strike a chord with them.  


Make your content compelling to drive engagement. Use of charts, images, stickers, hacks etc. should be done to make it warm and lively.


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Refresh it, every now and then to keep your customer’s interest alive in your brand. 


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As you start using automation technology by integrating it into your marketing systems, you will discover a whole lot of  other benefits. Fewer overheads, upselling and lead nurturing are some of them. 


Once, you decide to automate, don’t go just by the hype. Select the tool, which is a best-fit for your requirements.


Final Thoughts 


Data and technology are making waves. They’ve touched almost all the modern businesses. 


Old school marketing won’t help you nail it. As they say, convention is for yesterday…


Innovators are the movers and shakers of the modern world.


Step out of your comfort zone and zoom ahead.


Just a quick recap: Leverage marketing automation to:


  • Streamline and automate your work


  • Maximize productivity and be discovered by the right people


  • Attract genuine prospects, increase engagement and sales


  • Strategize for your future growth.


Join the growing club of marketing automation users!  


  [1] https://aritic.com/blog/aritic-pinpoint/b2b-ecommerce-automation-guide/



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